Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2018
6:30 - 8:00 (In person)
Angela Jasper Jasmine Riley Bryan Bradley Alicia Commodore Gwen Washington Sara Faulman Sam Washington Callie Eideberg Dana Ju
Andrea Goodman Byron Greene
Meeting Called to Order: 6:42 pm
I. Budget Report
A. Determine Ability for Holiday Raise for Star Achievers Employee
B. Comparison of What We Owe versus Cash on Hand
C. Motion approved to purchase of 2 mobile basketball hoops needed for basketball
enrichment Program and general school activities for a cost of $600.00 total
II. Approval of Oct 29, 2018 Meeting Minutes
A. Motion Approved for Approval of 10/29/18
III. Program Updates
A. Two Additional Sessions for Imagination Stage
B. Violin Concert-Thursday, Dec 6
C. Chess Program-45 enrolled
D. Robotics Open House
E. Soccer Super Stars will start up again in the spring
F. Consideration of a new program called Black Broadway
IV. New Business
A. Monitoring of Cafeteria area
B. Parents Night Out Overview
Seven kids enrolled as of now
Shepherd PTA is covering Star Achievers staff
Clarify Sign-In/Sign-Out Procedure for Parents Night Out for SA families
C. February DCPS Break
Exploring options with Principal Brawley to see if SA can use the school during this period of time
Estimated cost needed for a multi-day “camp”
Consider contracting with an outside vendor that has an established program that
could offer a 2-4 day mini-camp during the break.
D. Roll-Out of January 23-24 PD Days
Goal for 60-70 attendees
Marketing of PD Days
Ultimate Play-Date Discount 20%
Board member will put together a promotional plan for outreach
Work with surrounding area schools to help market PD Days (Brightwood,
Petworth, Crestwood, 16th Street Heights, Takoma DC)
Meeting Adjourned: 8:08 pm
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
October 29, 2018
6:30 - 8:00 (In person)
Attending: Jade Brawley, Sara Faulman, Angela Jasper, Byron Greene, Gwen Washington, Liz Bradley, Jeff Bradley, Jasmine Riley, Andrea Schwartz, Jackson Carnes, Alisha Commodore, Dana Ju
Meeting Called to Order: 6:35 pm
I. Leadership Positions & Elections
a. President: Sara Faulman remains
b. Vice President: Jasmine remains
c. Treasurer: Brian Bradley is newly elected treasurer by unanimous vote
d. Secretary: Dana Ju remains
e. Motion to hold on electing new leadership until January 2019-all board approved
II. Fundraising Idea
a. Digital Artwork for parents to sell to parents that SA would receive a percentage of proceeds- Artopia
b. Fundraiser would be sponsored by SA
c. Motion to support agreement to proceed with Artopia fundraising idea-all board approval
d. Actions: Principal to speak to art teacher about this idea and discuss how they might upload digital prints/artwork to Artopia
III. No-School Day Round Up
a. Thursday
i. 55 students attended
ii. $4,445 in tuition
iii. $2,396 in expenses
iiii. $2,049 profit
b. Friday
i. 42 students (which was the threshold)
ii. $3, 150 in tuition
iii. $1,589 expenses
iiii. $1,561 profit
c. Next PD Day is January (tied to MLK, Jr holiday)
d. Creative marketing for remaining PD Days is needed
e. Board should explore
activities/specialty camps to attract an older demographic (4-5th graders such as “Bring a Friend” marketing strategy
f. Develop marketing and PR strategy to outside Shepherd Elementary community
e. Action: A board member will brainstorm ideas for activities and marketing to older kids and report back to group, work with other member and Director on ideas
IIII. Budget Update & Profit & Loss Review
a. Total Net Income through September
b. Total Expenses
c. Tuition
d. Payroll
e. Breakdown of Registration numbers
f. Expected Revenue
g. Action: Treasurer to follow up with bookkeeper on accurate accounting
V. Programming Update
a. Robotics
b. Yoga & Fitness
c. Imagination Stage
d. Chess
e. STEAM Labs
f. Materials needed for STEM and STEAM classes
g. Action: Operations Manager to send out a notice to families to donate recyclable materials to donate for these activities
h. Basketball hoops needed for indoors
i. Yoga with Your Elected Officials as a fundraising idea
j. Three interns helping out two to three times a week
VI. Before Care
a. Low budget activities to add for before care such as reading
b. Activity for each grade level is required
c. Principal and Operations Manager to work together to determine use of Computer Lab before school instead of sitting in the cafeteria
d. Schedule is done daily
VII. Civic Service Oriented Projects
a. Gear different activities to holidays
b. Action: Ms. Jasper to assign a few older students to work on signage for November 19 PTA Bake Sale. Ms. Jasper to inquire.
VIII. Hallway & Front Entrance Safety During Aftercare
a. Parents and teachers have raised concerns about daily lingering of 12-20 kids after 3:15 inside the school.
b. This presents a distraction for the guard, she has been instructed that she should only support and supervise aftercare staff and attendees.
c. Action: Director to work with Principal on a policy position/process for children after school to see what can be done to mitigate safety and security issues of kids.
VIIIl. Candy Concerns in Aftercare
a. Director and Operations Manager have talked to aftercare teachers about distribution of candy during aftercare. It was made clear that this is prohibited.
b. Star Achievers should implement the DCPS policy which is: The DC Healthy Schools Act prohibits schools from using food (including candy) and has since 2010 as incentives, rewards or treats. This was codified into policy in DCPS in 2011, and continues in the current Local Wellness Policy see page 14): https://dcps.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/dcps/publication/attachments/DCPS%20Local%20Wellness%20Policy%202017.pdf
c. Candy sent from home for individual student’s lunches or snack is not something we can control and likely fine as long as it is nut-free.
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2018
6:30 - 8:00 (In person)
In person: Sara Faulman, Dana Ju, Jackson Carnes, Byron Greene, Michelle, Jasmine Riley,
Yasmin Washington, Sam Washington, Gwen Washington, Angela Jasper
Not present: Jade Brawley, Clarence Lusane, Madeline Ramos, Valerie Lewis Taylor
1) Call to Order – meeting opened at 6:45
Attendees: Madeline Ramos, Sara Faulman, Jackson Carnes, Sam Washington, Gwen Washington, Michelle Watson, Byron Greene, Liz Hayes, Jasmine Riley (by phone), Angela Jasper
2) Approval of Minutes and Old Business
The Minutes from the April meeting are approved with the addition of the date to the actual minutes (passed by unanimous vote).
Sara Faulman taking minutes for Dana Ju for May 2018 meeting.
3) Program Information
Overview / review of programming issues:
Looking for a new robotics program – potentially Mr. Everton who is a former engineer who is now a teacher. Is preparing a curriculum on robotics / aerospace / construction
Potential area of interest is in finding a better chess program – Bravo Zulu – but they are currently only working in NE / SE
Looking for PK ¾ Montessori trained staff and yoga fitness vendor
Training opportunity for grades 1/2 Math (Kuman training for two staff members)
Provided update on soccer superstars; basketball fitness; crazy 8’s math program, PE Spark Program, Play 30
Suggestion of additional outside vendors especially for the PK programs
4) Budget Report
Began a review of the budget but due to time constraints had to postpone to June 27 telephone conference
5) Working Group Reports
Information from Curriculum Working Group
Books to Brushes – try to contact
Would love to incorporate music / music lessons
Tutoring for all grade levels
Potential sources = Ethical Society, Tiferth, Howard, UDC
Stem / Coding
Soccer for bigger kids
Everyone happy with Young Playwrights (YPT) – keep it up!
Emergency Plan – needs to be reviewed by full Board and voted on
6) New Business
Draft Calendar circulated – SLF request to switch some meetings; to be discussed on June 27
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2018
6:30 - 8:00 (In person)
In person: Sara Faulman, Dana Ju, Jackson Carnes, Byron Greene, Michelle, Jasmine Riley,
Yasmin Washington, Sam Washington, Gwen Washington, Angela Jasper
Not present: Jade Brawley, Clarence Lusane, Madeline Ramos, Valerie Lewis Taylor
On phone: Liz Hays
1.) Meeting called to order: 6:44 pm
2.) Approval of Minutes for 1/24 and 2/28
3.) Program Information
i. Sign Language will end in May
ii. Young Playwrights
iii. Spring Violin Performance on April 19
iv. Beginning Coding Class is being facilitated for 4 th graders only at
this time
v. ACTION ITEM: Ms. Jasper will speak with Super Soccer Stars about
enhancing the program for the older grades (4 th & 5 th )
vi. May 9th - EOY Extravaganza for students with various activities
(dance, mentoring to music compilation, playwriting)
vii. Supply Needs: Keyboards so kids can help with typing practice, 20
Chrome Books (average price is about $400)
4.) Budget Report
A. Outstanding Clients & Tuition
i. 34 clients with outstanding balance
ii. Entire balance is supposed to be received in beginning of May
iii. As of March 1, one family removed from the program
iv. 17 families have made arrangements with SA to make outstanding
tuition payments via a payment plan
v. No late fees charged at this time
vi. Discuss the idea of putting up scholarship for families in financial
vii. The board is looking into implementing a new policy that will go
into effect next week that will address the late payment problem and
families that delinquent in their payments and/or not paying tuition.
viii. Determine best course of action for those families that don’t pay
at all
B. No School Day Report
i. 48 children in attendance
ii. Two left: April 27 and May 25
iii. Notification will be posted on the website
iv. ACTION ITEM: Next board meeting review 2018-2019 school
calendar to determine feasibility of PD Days
c. Cash Report
d. Building Usage Balance
i. Only paid $16,000 to date
ii. Yearly balance is $28,000 so we owe roughly a $12,000 balance
iii. Payroll, vendors still need to pay out
5.) Working Group Reports
i. Party Planning Committee
1. Space is reserved at Denezin’s
2. Date is May 3rd from 7:00-9:00 pm
3. Invitations have gone out to the staff and will begin to collect
ii. Emergency Planning Committee
1. Plan has been drafted
2. Upon consultation and finalizing the plan with Star Achievers, will
share at the next board meeting for board to review
iii. Programming Committee
1. Report deferred until the next board meeting
2. Committee will develop questions for a focus group and/or survey
from various members of the community
iv. DC Bar Pro Bono Center Meeting Update
6.) New Business
a. General Membership for 2018-2019 School Year-give thought to potential new
b. Identify any Board members that plan to step down
c. ACTION ITEM: Current board members must declare intentions by April 23 to
Program Director
d. Call for New Members
e. Potential Issue with Use of Gym
i. Timeline should be revealed on 4/17 at Shepherd Community Meeting
ii. Evaluate the potential impact on the SA programming if there is no gym
f. Negotiation of Vendors
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 pm
Next Meeting will take place on May 23, 2018
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2018
6:30 - 8:00 (by phone)
In attendance:
Byron Greene
Madeline Ramos
Michelle Watson
Angela Jasper
Yasemin Washington
Jackson Carnes
Liz Hays
Gwen Washington
Jasmine Riley
Clarence Lusane
Sam Washington
Sara Faulman
Dana Ju
Not present: Jade Brawley
1) Meeting Called to Order 6:35 pm
2) Approval of Minutes and Old Business
A. Revision to 11/6/17 Meeting-Meeting Minutes Approved
B. Post those minutes to website
C. 1/24/2017 Meeting-table approval of minutes until the next meeting. Will recirculate to Board
3) Program Information
A. Review of programming updates
1.. New Staff Member to work with students on coding. Coding will happen first with 4th graders as they are assigned to the computer lab. Eventually 3rd and 5th graders will have the opportunity to participate.
2. New staff member that will be doing sign language with the younger children.
3. Music Teacher has resigned from the program so there will be no music.
4. Announcements will be made about new staff, program changes and additions and that music class will cease until teacher is able to resume his duties in the form of a mini-newsletter.
B. SESSA Emergency protocol & Notification system
1. Shepherd does have back up power facilities, so the question was posed as to why the backup generator or power didn’t come up when the power went out last week.
2.. SESSA was told that the power would not go on until 8pm so the decision was made to ask parents to send students home. So, to ensure the safety of the children, it was decided that the children should not remain in the building.
3. There is no emergency plan or protocol currently in place for SESSA.
4. ACTION ITEM: Develop a clear protocol and procedure for emergencies and establish a notification system to parents and guardians in the event of an emergency. Two board members to take the lead on setting up a meeting with principal to identify what the SES emergency response plan is. Will report back via email and then take next steps to establish a plan.
5. SESSA Staff training must also take place to train and education staff in the advance of an incident or emergency.
C. Increasing physical activity (outdoor space, gym, hallways)
1. Building is shared and therefore there are different SES activities going on at all time during aftercare (cheerleading, basketball). Mr. Langrock tries to provide PE services to aftercare students in the gym when possible, but also utilizes the school hallways.
2. Play30-initiate that every age group of students should have outdoor time during aftercare, however we need to be mindful of ages of students mixed together.
3. A consistent schedule of outdoor activity should take place, weather permitting.
4. More outside time will take place. A packet for the SESSA staff is being prepared to encourage the use of games and movement so the staff understands the priority.
5. A spring permit goes into effect on March 18 for use of outdoor space from 3:30-5:30 pm daily.
6. ACTION ITEM: Board Members will work together to follow up on permitting issues.
D. Suggestion to form Programming Sub-Committee
1. Involve board and include larger community, such as students and parents.
2. ACTION ITEM: Board members to spearhead and determine the best way to reach out to parents. Message will be sent out an email to convene the group.
3. It was suggested that the Board could conduct a series of focus groups to identify parents to engage in this committee.
4). Budget Report
A. Review of outstanding clients
B. Budget update from book-keeper
C. Develop a more defined and perhaps strict policy for payment for those families that are continually delinquent on payments.
D. Assess on case-by-case basis.
E. ACTION ITEM: Board Member will develop framework and language for a more comprehensive policy.
D. Framework of the policy will be discussed at the next board meeting.
E. Review of 2018 total income, expenses, cash on hand and profit.
5.). Working Group Reports-
ACTION ITEM: Dates for consideration to be sent via email by Board president.
Remaining agenda items tabled for the next Board meeting.
Meeting adjourned 8:08 pm
Next meeting will take place on April 11.
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2018
6:30 - 8:30
Attendees: Sara Faulman (in person), Jasmine Riley (in person), Gwen Washington (in person),
Sam Washington (in person), Byron Greene (in person), Angela Jasper (in person), Dana Ju (in
person), Liz Hays (in person), Jade Brawley (in person), Yasemin Washington (in person),
Jackson Carnes (in person), Michelle Watson (by phone) and Clarence Lusane (by phone).
1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Sara Faulman at 6:40.
2. Approval of Minutes & Old Business
i. Transition of Registered Agent
II. Minutes Approved from 11/6/17 Board Meeting with changes that
will be sent around via email to the Board for a final vote
iii. Introductions
iv. Welcome of new member: Jackson Carnes
3. Program Information (Before/Aftercare)
a. Enrollment Numbers
1. 149 students enrolled
2. 61 both before and aftercare
3. 42 aftercare
4. 6 am care only
5. 3-6 students that withdrew in the beginning of 2018
6. Pretty consistent enrollment
7. Last year we were at 143, so small increase this year
b. Specialties:
1. Breakdown of Enrichment Programs: basketball is most successful
of the programs
2. Profits
a. Basketball (1 st quarter): $1420 profit
b. Robotics (1 st quarter): $225 loss
c. Soccer (1 st quarter): $515 profit
d. Basketball (2 nd quarter): $1320
e. Basketball (3 rd quarter): NA
3. Lego Robotics for younger children (1 st grade) teaching coding and
4. Robotics:
a. Numbers are down from where they need to be, 8-10 kids
really needed to enroll
b. It is currently conflicting with other sports and basketball
from February-April
5. Suggestions for Improved Enrollment for Robotics
a. Do we try for a STEM grant to lower the price for those
that want to participate?
b. Send out recruitment note-will that help?
6. Once kids hit the 3 rd grade they are more interested in
STEM/Robotics type offerings.
7. Put out feelers for interest so we get kids while they are interested.
8. The challenge with this class is that it also tends to repeat each
9. Soccer: Super Soccer Stars (1 st and 4 th quarter only), was profitable
and popular
10. Form a Committee that will focus on issues about use of outdoor
recreational space with DPR, three board members agreed to be on
this committee, with one board member agreeing to chair.
c. Aftercare Snack Update: Currently ordering snacks from Costco, children are
happy with the selection of snacks provided, preference is to stick with obtaining
snacks from Sam’s Club & Costco
d. Programming Update
i. Newsletter published what kids were thankful for during Thanksgiving
ii. In December the 5 th grade students initiated a project for holiday
iii. Design a stamp, MLK Day Contest-children received a gift card
for first, second, third and honorable mentions
iv. Students are doing Step Dance rather than Hip Hop
v. STEAM Program
vi. Robotics will not have a class
vii. It’s been really successful and effective to have the upper grades
give feedback on what is of interest to them
viii. Crazy Eights Math: students created a katapult through a hands-
on/interactive activity
ix. Sign Language: A teacher will be coming on board to work with
the younger students
x. Suggestion: Use the video as a marketing tool to showcase the
activities and programs at aftercare (Great Day at Star Achievers)
4. Program Information (PD Days)
a. Enrollment Numbers:
i. 11/3: 48 students attended/ $3740 in tuition/ Expenses $2786/ Profit $954
ii. 12/1: 52 students attended/$4100 in tuition/Expenses $2298/Profit $1802
iii. 1/19: 53 students attended/$4125 in tuition/Expenses $2587/Profit $1538
b. Mock Schedule of a PD Day: Calendar of events and activities that will take place
throughout the day from 8:30 am- 6:00 pm
c. Parental Concerns Regarding Movie Watching: At the last PD day the kids were
reported to be watching movies from 3-6 pm, of concern to several parents.
Aftercare Staff will look into the amount of time the students are watching movies
d. February 16 will be the next PD Day
e. April 27 in the last PD Day of the year
f. The idea of doing a PD Day “camp” for a longer period of time during winter or
spring breaks or that last week of school in mid-June.
5. Budget Report
a. Finance Presentation
b. Outstanding Debt
c. Board agrees that a list will be provided of all families that are delinquent in their
payments and will devise a strategy for dealing with recouping that tuition
d. Fundraising Update: Star Achievers did not get approved for the 21 st Century
e. Connect with a grant writer to help identify and apply for potential funding
6. Advanced Planning
a. Working Committee on Organizational Goals: help the Board determine staffing
goals, funding goals to measure our success and need for further progress
b. Three board members volunteered to be on this committee
7. EOY Staff Appreciation Party
a. Recognition and show of appreciation of Star Achievers staff and the board
b. Suggested options: Denizens in Silver Spring, also provide gift cards and
recognition prizes.
c. Board president will send out a survey to the board to see what times might work
best for other board members
d. Four board members volunteered to be on a party planning committee.
8. New Business: Move March 28 th board meeting to April 11 th and cancel April 28 th
9. Next Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 pm
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2017
6:30 - 8:30
Attendees: Sara Faulman (in person), Jasmine Riley (in person), Gwen Washington (in person),
Sam Washington (in person), Byron Greene (in person), Angela Jasper (in person), Dana Ju (in
person), Liz Hays (in person), Jade Brawley (in person), Madeline Ramos (in person), Yasemin
Washington (in person), Michelle Watson (by phone) and Clarence Lusane (by phone).
1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm
2. Elections of Officers
a. Two new candidates were put forth for consideration.
b. Jackson Carnes was newly elected to the Board, effective immediately
3. Report on Status of Outstanding Debt Recovery
a. No outstanding debt has been recovered as of yet
4. Budget Review
5. Report on Professional Development (PD) Day Program
a. There are 8 total professional development days. The next one will be held on
December 1, 2017.
b. Cost-Benefit Report: Seems to be of good value to continue this program, as there
is a need and parents were thankful that they had a place to leave their child for
the day, especially with so many PD days happening within a two-month time
c. Promotion Plan: The promotion plan worked well and those efforts can continue
for future PD Days. There are enough Shepherd Elementary students in
attendance that it doesn’t seem necessary to promote to the larger communities to
try to attract students from other parts of the city to attend.
d. Activity Offerings: Intend to keep existing program offerings.
6. Star Achievers 2017-2018 Program Offerings
a. Staffing
I. Review of Current Staff Employed by Star Achievers
1. Program Assistant & Before Care Coordinator
2. Grades PK3-5 th Grade Staff
3. Specials (PE, Walk-a- Mile, Music)
4. Vendors (Hip Hop Dance, Mentoring with Music, Chess, Violin)
5. Curriculum Additions (Rubik’s Cube, Crazy 8’s Math Club)
6. Community Service Interns
ii. Loss of staff due to other job opportunities is a constant challenge
because these positions are part-time.
iii. Actively seeking someone to replace the Chess vendor who had to
leave the program due to child care issues
iv. It was suggested that for the next calendar year that we try to be
more proactive in recruiting from surrounding schools to find students that
may need to fulfill a course credit, perhaps they could be hired as staff for
one of the vendor-specific programs
b. A Friendship Circle group was created for 4 th grade girls to deal with bullying and
confrontations, allowing for girls to interact in a conflict free environment.
c. Snacks
i. The program was removed from the District afterschool snack program
with no notice or warning.
ii. SA Staff is looking into other options that would allow for snacks
to be diverse and healthy
iii. Currently ordering from Costco and Sam’s Club because they have
the best selection of bulk options
iv. It was suggested to contact Giant Foods to see if an arrangement
for provision of snacks can be arranged because they have been a longtime
supporter of Shepherd Elementary
7. Status of Outdoor Facility Use
a. Star Achievers does not have use of the playground or track for the upcoming
b. DPR has not been acting in good faith as it relates to outdoor usage of field and
c. There is competition for use of the field in particular by local soccer
d. Arrangements have been made between the local soccer organizations and Star
Achievers to share the field at certain times.
e. The next application for use of outdoor facilities for Spring/Summer 2018 should
be released by DPR shortly, and SA will inform the Board when that happens so
we can apply immediately for outdoor space usage and also lobby DC City
Council members to allow SESSA to use the space all year around.
8. Election of New SESSA Executive Board Officers
a. A new election was held and new officers were elected, effective immediately
i. President: Sara Faulman
ii. Vice President: Jasmine Riley
iii. Treasurer: Michelle Watson agrees to stay on as Treasurer
through the end of the 2017-2018 school year
iv. Secretary: Dana Ju
v. Registered Agent: Liz Bradley
9. Next Board Meeting will take place on January 24, 2018 at 6:30 pm via conference call.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:28 pm
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2017
7:00 - 8:30
Attendees (all in person): Mr. Greene, Ms. Jasper, Liz, Michelle, Jasmine, Yasemin, Clarence, Sam, Gwen, Dana, Sara
1) Secretary Report –
Minutes reviewed from last two meetings and will be re-circulated so they can be finally approved.
2) New Member – Liz is unanimously elected as a new member of the Boared
3) Motion to Move Meeting and Postpone Votes on Elected Positions –
Motion was made to move the November 20 meeting to November 6 and to vote on all new positions at that time. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting will be held on November 6 at 6:45.
At the meeting the Board will vote on new members as well as all new officers
Current officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
4) Treasurer’s Report –
Discussion of total net income after all expenses for 2016-2017 (see budget)
Bad debt was reduced for 2016-2017 (as of July 31)
Everyone currently in the program settled their 2016-2017 debt
There are four new families with “bad debt”
Action Item: send home a note about paying during the 1st through 5th of each month
5) President Update on Budget Issues –
DGS collects all money from the old account for previous building and usage fee
Program will be charged for building and usage fee for current year as per line item in budget
6) Operations Report –
Enrollment is 140 in the program; 5 or so do not come for the full duration and have a reduced rate
Discussion of the various programs = violin for beginners and intermediate; chess with Marcus Weiss; Myra G Entertainment; Chorus and Music; Mentoring Music with Mr. Lee and Joshua; Young Playwrights Theater; Martial Arts; PE to include at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day; Character Building
Enrichment Programs = 6 in robo challenge; 2 sessions of soccer superstars (13 kids); 15 students in basketball
First PD Day Results = 32 enrolled students for first PD day; discussion of total fees: refer back to the budget.
Got great feedback from parents
Some disappointment from Board with enrollment numbers and requests for additional information / promotion
Action Item: = three Board members will work on promotions
7) Parental Questions on Program –
General discussion about the need for transparency and having a common message. Brief discussion with President and another Board Member about some follow up questions posed by parents about fees and programs
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2017
7:00 - 8:30
Attendees: Michelle, Yasemin, Sara, Jasmine, Mr. Greene, Ms. Jasper, Valerie, Ms. Brawley
Location: Shepherd Elementary
1) New Member – by unanimous vote the Board nominated Dana Ju to be a member of the Board of Star Achievers
2) Parent meeting – the Board agreed to hold an open parent meeting. Some Board members agreed to be in attendance.
Date: October 4, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Auditorium
We are going to publicize the meeting in the following manner: an Aftercare announcement will be sent via email, a flyer will be distributed at the sign-out desk and at back-to-school night (will complete by 9/13), the info will be posted on the marquis in front of the school, and will be put out via the PTA.
3) Personnel Issue – a parent had submitted two written complaints about a staff member. The Board discussed the actions and trainings taken to date and determined that the program should determine a better placement.
4) Professional Development Day – we are a go! The first PD day will be staffed by “Track Sports” a multi-sport camp.
5) Miscellaneous – at the next meeting (first official meeting of the 2017-2018 school year!) we need to discuss t-shirt fundraisers, attracting new Board members, and election of officers for 2017-2018 school year.
6) Contact Info – We need to create an internal document to circulate to everyone with name, (preferred) telephone number and (preferred) email address.
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2017
7:00 - 8:30
Attendees: Sara Faulman (in person), Jasmine Riley (in person), Gwen Washington (in person), Sam Washington (in person), Byron Greene (in person), Angela Jasper (in person), Michelle Watson (by phone).
Update on SA website / registration / info sessions
The deadline for the website to be up and running for registration is August 15, 2017 (BG)
We should have people there at the first day of school (for both upper class and PK) and for back to school night to describe the program, provide sign-in information, etc.
Program will forward a sign in sheet for people to sign up to take a shift. All Board members should make an effort to volunteer for at least one slot.
BG provided a schedule of the activities
Special areas include:
English / Math / Reading Study Hall
Dance (with Myra G)
Theater (with Young Playwright Theater) (divided into both younger and older levels)
Arts and Crafts
Program will follow up with various teachers to see if they are willing to assist / provide space. We can tell them that we are working with the PTA to identify significant funding to be provided for teacher Wish-Lists for those who participate. We cannot promise exact amounts at this time.
We should also follow up with Create Arts to discuss getting discounts on art supplies.
Physical Education
Basketball / Fitness (ADDITIONAL COST to be offered year round)
Soccer (ADDITIONAL COST to be offered 1st and 4th Q)
Robotics Challenges (upper ages) (ADDITIONAL COSTS)
Potential Space Issue: There is a possibility that the gym / cafeteria may begin renovations as early as October 1.
Program will determine what is happening, when, and what spaces will ultimately become available for SA use.
Potential future discussion with elected officials regarding appropriate contact persons at DPR, DGS and DCPS
Alternatives – if we do end up losing space, we need to find alternative locations for some of the aftercare activities.
Ideas floated to consider: Lowell, local churches, Takoma Park Rec, DCI (if gym finished)
Issues to consider with off-site: additional insurance needs; additional staffing needs; transportation; equipment use at other facilities; trying to get money from DC to pay for costs
PD Days – There are 8 total professional development days. The idea is to have SA open during those days to provide child care at a reasonable and competitive cost
A motion was made to amend the SA program include full day coverage on Professional Development Days if feasible. Feasibility will include but not be limited to costs, building space, manpower, fees for building use, etc. The program would be open to all children, not just Shepherd students, up to 5th grade. The program will report on the feasibility by September 12, 2017.
The motion was seconded and all those in attendance (see above) voted in favor.
Staffing: The program has permission to explore using counselors from Kids Elite to staff the PD days.
The DC Bar Pro Bono Committee requires a form be filed out to get counsel appointed.
President of the Board will fill out the form and submit it to Mr. Greene for revision, signature, and submission.
Other: Vice President of the Board raised staffing issues and confirmed that (1) paid sick leave is provided pursuant to DC Sick and Safe Leave Act and (2) employees who receive counseling will have such counseling (as well as any other performance issues) documented in writing and maintained in a file.
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2016
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Attendance (in person or by phone): Jade Brawley, Sara Faulman, Byron Greene, Angela Jasper, Clarence Lusane, Jasmine Riley, Gwendolyn M. Washington, Yasemin Washington, and
Michelle Watson.
1. Minutes from July 21, 2016 and August 15, 2016 and approved by the board.
2. Review of Budget Report
Mr. Greene and Ms. Jasper presented a detailed and up-to-date analysis of the current budget and projections for the rest of the school year. They noted that there is an outstanding balance of $14,815.33 still owed by students who appear to be no longer enrolled at Shepherd. It was agreed that a good faith effort will be made to collect the balance and that perhaps what cannot be collected can be possible tax write-off.
3. Update on PTA funding
Ms. Gwen Washington reported that the PTA has authorized a $10,000.00 donation to the Star Achievers program to facilitate STEM programming. It was noted that the Lego Robotics and the Robotics programs were very popular.
4. Review of Registration, Tuition, and Payment Options
The board discussed looking into creating more options for payment such as a sliding pay scale for example. After reviewing the current process more thoroughly, Mr. Greene will offer a more concrete proposal in the future on this issue.
5. Update on old Wells Fargo account
Ms. Gwen Washington reported that after discussion with Wells Fargo bank officials, they indicated that they simply need a letter from the current board and that there should be no problem releasing the funding to Star Achievers.
6. Open House
Mr. Greene suggested that the Open House, which would allow prospective parents to view the program in action, be held in January. It will coordinated with the PTA.
7. Program options and suggestions for Spring 2017
Ms. Jasper and Mr. Greene provided an overview of the current programs (free and with a fee) that exist. All are doing well with the exception of the Website Design and Coding program which was cancelled due to low enrollment.
Ms. Gwen Washington suggested as a possible new program the “Books to Brushes” program that links reading and art. She distributed material about the program.
Ms. Riley suggested a possible fundraiser. She proposed that a Ginger Bread House design contest be held as a one day fundraiser. Mr. Greene and Ms. Jasper will follow up on the suggestion.
Mr. Greene announced that the program is looking to hire someone who would be assigned to the 3rd graders. He also noted that members of the staff have been participated in staff development sessions and workshops. This includes training on limited medical emergency procedures such as PEN injections. Mrs. Brooks, who is usually in the office during the Star Achievers program, also had training in some of these procedures.
8. The meeting adjourned at 8:27pm.
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers, Board Conference Call Minutes
July 21, 2016
Attendees: Michelle Alston, Yasemin Washington Brown, Sara Faulman, Byron Greene, Angela Jasper, Jasmine Riley, Gwen Washington, and Sam Washington
The call began at 6:30 with introduction of board members.
Minutes from June 13, 2016 were accepted with the correction to drop the “h”on Sara Faulman’s first name.
General Budget for 2016-2017
The proposed budget was reviewed.
Board members expressed concern that figures may be cutting it too close and provide minimal flexibility.
Hosting fundraisers was suggested as a way to increase revenue.
The question of obtaining an ANC grant was also raised.
There is still no final decision on cutting down the $30k cost for the facilities use agreement
Review and Set Guidelines for Tuition
The various breakdowns and formulas were discussed for am tuition versus am/pm tuition, number of students needed to meet budget goals, a la carte program options, sibling discounts, and recommendations for best system of determining who can participate in the a la carte offerings (e.g. lottery, first come/first served, etc.).
The board voted to allow open enrollment to previous attendees 1 week earlier than others.
Review and Set Guidelines for Salaries
Question was raised on how we determine salary variances and when there’s an increase.
Discussion was tabled. Byron will put together a formula to share with the board during future call/meeting.
Review of Programming for Star Achievers (Selection of Vendors)
Programming options were shared and include:
Robotics, Zumba/Hip Hop, Coding and game design, story time, and basketball specialty (in fall/spring). Additional recommendations by the board included: double dutch, dance, soccer, and more athletic options.
Review of old Wells Fargo Account Business
The call was postponed
Next step is to identify appropriate person at OGC and engage Hebron.
Once appropriate parties are confirmed, the call needs to be rescheduled.
New Business
Byron shared that he and Angela were interviewing a qualified pool of candidates for the program.
All contracts should be signed the first week of August for the school year.
Employees will receive an outline of expectations including planning activities and be held accountable.
Offers are being extended to 5-6 new staffers including P.E. specialists, cooking specialist, graphic arts and drawing specialist.
Staffers will be cross trained.
Fun Fridays will have more variety.
Study hall option will remain.
Suggestion was made to include STEM activities.
There will be an Open House to enroll in SES Aftercare during the PTA Playground Play Date on 8/20.
Next Meeting
August 15 at 6:30
Proposed Draft Budget 2016-17 SY (previously distributed via email)
Tuition and Salary Proposal (previously distributed via email)
Suggested $350 per child for am/pm and $300 pm only
Suggestions were made for potential a la carte program offerings
Determine final costs based on the building use agreement
Consideration may be given to lower suggested fee increase depending on building use agreement
Building Use
Councilman Brandon Todd offered assistance with adjusting the fees.
Concerns were raised by the board members regarding payment to cover the security guard and the current building use agreement for next year.
Clarity needed on payment of the security guard is also including his/her being onsite for other events/meetings.
Discussion on building use agreement was tabled until Principal Brawley can be consulted.
Appointed New Officers
Sam Washington, President
Sarah Faulman, Vice President
Michelle Alston, Treasurer
Clarence Lusane, Yasemin Washington Brown, Co-Secretaries
Appointed Committees
Programming/Curriculum Committee
Clarence Lusane, Chair
Yasemin Washington Brown
Angela Jasper
Gwen Washington
Sam Washington
Budgetary Committee
Jasmine Riley, Chair,
Michelle Alston
Sara Faulman
Sam Washington
Wells Fargo Bank
Discussion of facts and need to try to recover some money
Byron Greene to meet with Hebron, and attorneys
Proposal to Change Bylaws
Proposal to allow the Operations Manager and Program Director to vote. All agreed.
Next Meeting
July 21st at 6:30pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:30
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2016 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Attendees: Byron Greene, Angela Jasper, Jennifer Pauk, Nicole Reese, Bobbie Joyeaux, Gwen Washington, Sam Washington, Michelle Waston, Clarence Lusane, Jasmine Riley, Sarah Faulman, Jade Brawley
The meeting began at 6:30 pm with introductions of board members and prospective board members
Program Director & Operation Manager update by Byron Greene
SESSA activities: Since the transition many activities have been taking place in SESSA, including: Passport to Peace has a curiosity corner in the library and cafeteria; Earth Day event – Cups of Love; Postage Stamp design for grades 3-5; T-shirt for grade 5; After school appreciation day; PE safety workshop for grades 1-5; study hall daily; Professional dance workshops; Save DC workshops for grades 3-5 on emergency preparedness; Chess open house; Older students doing community service hours
Staffing has been a challenge, with two staff leaving unexpectedly, and difficulty with hiring. They have identified one potential staff person who will start soon.
Internet connectivity: working with DCPS out of school office to identify how they can use the internet despite the robust firewall. This has posed a great barrier.
Staff professional development – this is a challenge without being fully staffed
Facilities management – Byron received invoice from DCPS, which is over $5000 for two months, and paid this. He is seeking information on the scope of service of the security guard, which is the biggest part of the expense. This will represent up to $25,000 additional expenses to the program that have to be built into the next fiscal year budget and may require tuition increases.
Wells Fargo Bank Account: Jonathan Nesher was available by phone, from the pro-bono law firm working with SESSA. He reported that he spoke with Ms. Hebron and identified Lesley West at DCPS who is the Accounting Officer, and would like to reach out to Ms. West for more information on DCPS perspective on the account. Nicole Reese will forward him additional information, Gwen Washington can provide additional information on the original founders of the Star Achievers Program. It may prove difficult or impossible to establish ownership claim to the funds, it may be better to approach DCPS to see what negotiation may accomplish. Jenny Pauk suggested BOD and PTA come up with list of potential items that the money might be used for immediately if given to SES. BOD authorized Nesher to pursue getting additional information in order to decide upon next steps.
Mr. Greene requested new computers. Jenny Pauk requested that he review the current and/or upcoming budget and justify the expense to the BOD in order to have it approved the BOD needs to see that the funds are available.
Ms. Jasper inquired about space for the program in the upcoming year and Ms. Brawley indicated that there are two rooms which will likely be available – the current music and art rooms. This is especially important because there will be an additional Pk-3 class next year.
Ms. Jasper requested BOD/parent input in two areas: Curriculum development for upcoming year and Staff Development. BOD discussed having 1-3 members meet with her a couple of times early in summer to discuss these issues in more depth.
Board business items
Approve minutes from prior meeting: Jenny requested that Gwen add the names of the BOD members in attendance to the March BOD meeting minutes. No other changes were proposed. Sam moved to accept the March meeting minutes with the proposed changes and the motion passed unanimously. Gwen will forward the updated minutes to Byron Greene to be posted and become official record of the March meeting.
Jenny presented the proposed SESSA bylaws changes which Jonathan Nesher assisted with. The changes were made to clarify the composition of the board and who is able to vote, and to conform to what the practice has been in appointment members to the BOD. Also, the change makes the Vice President an elected office as opposed to being appointed by the President of the BOD. Gwen asked if it would be a problem that two co-PTA presidents and another PTA officer were on the BOD. Jenny answered that the PTA president would be ex-officio, but the others would be BOD members by appointment, and that it did not seem to pose a problem. Michelle moved to vote that Sections 5.02 and 8.01 of the bylaws of the Corporation should be deleted in their entirely and replaced with the proposed language. The motion passed unanimously.
Appointment of new BOD members: Clarence Lusane and Sarah Faulman were in attendance at the meeting and spoke briefly about their interest in the BOD. Both are parents of children at SES. Clarence works in the field of education and Sarah works in the legal field. Two other parents, Yasmin Washington and Paul Williams were not able to attend this meeting but have applied to be members of the BOD. Sam Washington moved to accept all four of the above as members of the SESSA Board of Directors, pending acceptance by the two who were not present. The motion was passed unanimously. There is space on the board for additional members and recruitment can continue.
Resignation of BOD members: Jenny Pauk, Nicole Reese and Bobbie Joyeux are resigning from the BOD effective at the end of this meeting. All expressed willingness to assist new BOD members and officers with a transition. Michelle Watson is considering whether she will continue on the BOD.
Jenny said that one requirement of 501c3 status is that a non-profit board have elected officers – a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer to maintain this status. SESSA BOD will need to elect officers for all of these positions. After discussion BOD members agreed that another meeting, with all of the new BOD members in attendance would be required for this action, and selected the date of June 13th for an in person meeting. The items on the agenda at this meeting will be election of officers and review of the current end-of-year budget and discuss the process to prepare a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Gwen Washington is serving as President of the Corporation and is willing to serve as Acting President until officers are elected. Jenny nominated Gwen to serve as Acting President. The motion passed unanimously.
The BOD members reviewed proposed BOD meeting schedule. They agreed to meet next on June 13th as stated above. They also agreed to form two committees to address the curriculum and budget planning/finance at the beginning of the summer, so that Mr. Greene and Ms. Jasper have the guidance they need to plan for the next school year SESSA program.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Shepherd Elementary School Star Achievers
Board of Directors Meeting
March 23, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Meeting started at 6:39 pm
Everyone is on the phone except Sam and Ms. Brawley. This meeting is held via telephone conference.
Quorum Achieved
Introductions to New Program Director and New Operations Manager
Ms. Jasper has been present everyday since March 14, 2016. Mr. Greene has come three days each week since March 14, 2015.
The best means of communications for Ms. Jasper and Mr. Greene will be through email at SESSA. It will take a number of days to set up their email accounts that will be directly connected to the Star Achievers website. They will no longer be a need to use their personal accounts. Mr. Greene is readily available by telephone after 4:30 pm. Ms. Riley is changing her cell phone to Ms. Jasper. The BOD will be notified when the email addresses and other contact information will be distributed shortly.
Ms. Riley’s last week will be the last week of March. It was suggested that there be a check in with Ms. Jasper and Mr. Greene to make sure that the transition without Ms. Riley goes smoothly. The BOD picked Wednesday at 6:30 pm each week is a good time for an email update from Mr. Greene and Ms. Jasper to check in with the BOD to alert them to any outstanding issues with SESSA. Ms. Riley will share her telephone number with Ms. Jasper and Mr. Greene for any issues.
There’s been a great deal of coverage issues due to employees leaving for SESSA. Recruitment is actively being done to fill these vacant positions as soon as possible. BOD members will send out the job listings on local neighborhood listserves. Ms. Riley, Ms Jasper and Mr. Greene are working for a short process to find coverage for these employees. Shepherd ES teaching staff cannot fill in for the other employees due to their current DCPS duties that do not allow them to be present with SESSA until 4:30 pm.
Update on Recruitment of Board Members
There are six (6) parents who are interested in becoming Board members for next year’s SESSA’s BOD. These prospective BOD members have questions about BOD duties. Mr. Greene will compile a list of duties for BOD members. Mr. Greene will address any prospective BOD member’s questions in the interim. As of May, five (5) members will be leaving the Board. At the May SESSA meeting, we will hold elections for officer positions with the idea that one or two of the new members will become officers on the BOD. One BOD member suggested that the PTA appoints members to the Board. BOD suggested having the new PTA President and VPs could appoint new Board members to attend the May meeting. May 24, 2016 is the next BOD meeting. The Shepherd PTA officers elections will be on May 16, 2016. Based on PTA elections, we could add prospective SESSA members to the ballot for appointment to the SESSA BOD for formal appointment. The new BOD members would elect a new slate of officers, including a change to the By-laws to have the Vice President elected. An amendment to the Bylaws will be put on the agenda for the May meeting. The newly elected BODs terms will begin and end at the May 2016.
Minutes for November 17 & 30 and February 23 Meetings
The minutes for these three (3) minutes were submitted to the BOD. The minutes for November 17 & 30 and the minutes for February 23rd were voted to be approved for passed for posting on the SESSA website.
Approval of Crowell and Moring for Pro Bono Services
Ms. Riley advised of the two pro bono attorneys from Crowell and Moring. These attorneys will be available after hours for a response. BOD member has a personal friend at Crowell and Morning who may be working on the case, Mr. Greene will clarify if there presents a conflict of interest and to inquire as to a change of the bylaws to have the Vice President elected rather than appointed. The BOD voted unanimously to accept Crowell and Moring as the new pro bono counsel.
Jenny Pauk moved that the SESSA Board of Directors formally accept pro bono representation by Crowell & Moring and the motion was passed by unanimous vote. BOD members requested that the new Program Director invite a representative of the firm to attend one of the next two BOD meetings.
Bank Account Transfer for PNC Bank
Jenny Pauk moved that the SESSA Board of Directors cancel the authority of Claire Riley and Corey Barnette to the following PNC bank accounts for Star Achievers. The SESSA Board of Directors also moved that Byron Greene and Angela Jasper be added as new signatories on the above-named accounts. BOD members voted unanimously in favor of these items and the motion was passed. The BOD will consider adding the SESSA Treasurer to the accounts when the new Treasurer is elected in May 2016.
The BOD passed a motion to limit employee from spending more than $3000 for any one purchase at one time, other than for BOD approved vendor payments.
Donation for Shepherd PTA Gala
SESSA will donate one semester of tuition for the Gala event on May 21st.
Update on Building Use Agreement
Claire Riley and Ms. Brawley compiled a draft for a building use agreement. SESSA is listed as a non-profit organization. The Building Use Agreement to be submitted to DCPS without reference to past agreement, with a request to have a reduced amount for use as SESSA is a non-profit organization and to have custodial and security fees to be waived. Custodial staff members are paid until 8:30 pm by DCPS, and SESSA already provides for security. SESSA’s bill should be only from April 1, 2016 until the end of the year. This Building Use Agreement will be signed by April 1, 2016.
Wells Fargo Account from prior SESSA and current SESSA’s possible access to those funds for future building use fees.
Nicole Reece and Ms. Brawley met with former employees of the old Star Achievers organization to ascertain the reasons for money’s deposit in the Wells Fargo account and to ascertain the person(s) who are responsible for the account. DCPS wanted to have their General Counsel (DCPS attorneys) to meet with Ms. Brawley and these former employees for further investigation.Prudently, SESSA consulted with the pro bono attorneys with Crowell and Moring who will research the issue and possibly represent SESSA on this action if necessary.It is possible, according to the pro bono attorneys, to resurrect the former Star Achievers for the purpose of accessing those funds.However, the attorneys must determine if the former Star Achievers had any liabilities that might consume or exceed the amount of funds left in the Wells Fargo Account for the past three to four years.
Mr. Greene will meet with the former Star Achievers employees (Mr. Hebron and Mr. Leonard) to update him on the history of the transactions of the funds in the Wells Fargo Account and will contact the pro bono attorneys about further representation in this action.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:06 pm
Next Meeting is May 24, 2016 at 6:30 pm in person in the Shepherd ES Library