Behavioral & Disciplinary Policy
In order to provide a healthy and effective program, all staff, students and parents must model appropriate behavior which promotes a safe and secure environment. All scholars must adhere to the behavioral expectations and rules described in Shepherd’s Student Code of Conduct. The Behavioral guidelines are outlined below:
Disruptive behavior is categorized within the following levels:
Level 1 being the least disruptive
Level 2 moderately disruptive
Level 3 which is extremely disruptive
Level 1 includes:
A. Running in the classroom or throughout the hallways
B. Excessive talking or refusal to follow the direction of Star Achievers staff
C. Profane or abusive language
D. Name calling, taunting, cursing, or bullying
E. Leaving an unsupervised area without permission
Level 2 includes:
A. May include all of part of Level 1
B. Loitering in unsupervised areas of the school without authorization
C. Pushing or shoving, threatening to do physical harm
D. Stealing or destroying property
Level 3 includes:
A. May include all or part of Level 1 and 2
B. Purposely striking or hitting another student
C. Fighting, inciting violence or threats of violence
D. Inappropriate physical or sexual contact
E. Possession, usage of drugs or any illegal substances
Consequences for Negative Behavior
Each type of behavior requires a different response by the Star Achievers Staff and will result in different consequences for the student, depending on the circumstances and how often in the past the child has shown negative behavior. We try to handle negative behavior issues right away, with each student understanding what they have done wrong, to apologize if they have hurt another student or adult, and to discuss the problem with their parent when they are picked up.
We rely on staff, parents and students to make sure all behave in a safe and responsible way. As we follow each step in the process to notify and help mitigate negative behavior, we must enforce the rules.
Consequences of Level 1 behaviors:
Restorative justice (peers/Aftercare Leader)
Phone call to parents
Exempted from enrichment program or activity
Consequences of Level 2 behaviors:
Restorative justice (peers/Aftercare Leader)
Phone call to parents
Exempted from enrichment program or activity
One day suspension (3 or more infractions of Level 1 or 2)
Consequences of Level 3 behaviors:
Restorative justice (peers/Aftercare Leader)
Phone call to parents
Exempted from enrichment program or activity
Two day suspension (3 or more infractions of Level 1 or 2)
Repeated offenses will lead to removal from Star Achievers
Other Rules to Know
We do not allow the usage of cellular devices, radios, tape recorders, electronic games/toys during before or aftercare. Smart phones that are connected to the internet are not allowed, as they may have content that is not acceptable to all students. This will prevent scholars from accessing inappropriate content and sharing it with other students.
Since toys are not allowed at school during the day they should not be in the students’ backpack. We do not allow toys in aftercare as we cannot be responsible for them and they cause disruption among students who do not have toys. Toys and other electronic devices that are not permitted in school and are confiscated must be picked up by an Authorized pick-up person within 15 days. After 15 days or the end the school year, which ever is sooner, will be donated.